Monday, December 21, 2009

Mind v Heart

Which is easier to do, purifying your mind or your heart?

My hunch is purifying the mind is easier... still need to think about this one.

Any thought?


colson said...

Interesting issue. The lure of pure is obvious someone or something without any polution.

Yet if, as I do, one believes man is both good and evil by definition, one has to accept that purification of either heart or mind is beyond reach. In history puritanism sometimes even turned into intolerance and absolutism.

Trying to live a decent life, I think, is good enough.

colson said...

Sorry, mistake. This line "The lure of pure is obvious someone or something without any polution"should have been: "The lure of pure is obvious; someone or something not contagious or polluted seems the way it should be".

triesti said...

I still belief man is inherently good, and that for some it is possible to purify their mind & heart.

But yeah..even living a decent life is difficult enough for some.

triesti said...
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