Sunday, April 03, 2011

When You Least Expect It

So yesterday was not my day. After almost ran into a car collision in the morning and also missed my deadline by 5 hours, I had to help push the car & jumped start it at 11PM (with no dinner)!

I got home, took a child dosage of Actifed, read, then sleep, thinking I could sleep late on Sunday. Fat chance.

Mom woke me up asking what to do with the pasta. We were talking about making pasta salad for today's family gathering. There I was groggy from the meds, starting making pasta salad for about 30 people. It was pretty delish. My cousin came and the two of us went to the gathering.

It was my first ever Arisan. Normally I stir clear from arisan, but this one I cant dodge. We were the first to arrive. After about 2 hours we were still waiting for some more people to come, but I couldnt keep my eyes open. So I took a nap. I woke up when one of my aunts was drawing the winner of the arisan. Guess what? I was the winner. I didnt even think about winning it. The rest were 'protesting' jokingly how I didnt even care about arisan and ended up winning it.

Later on mom picked me up and we went to see my other aunt and uncle for dinner. I've been eating so much the whole day. Pasta salad, Gudeg, Somay, Roast Duck. Pisang Molen, Ubi Goreng, Tape Ketan, Lapis Surabaya, Bolu Pandan. I guess my appetite is back :)


Unknown said...

Hi Triesti,
The winner of an arisan are often those who do not except it.

triesti said...

@Harry.. that's what an aunt said yesterday. I guess it's beginner luck.

colson said...


I needed Wikipedia before I had a clue what it's about. But I'm still in doubt, because the little article on the subject added it didn't meet Wikipedia's own quality standards.

But, whatever, you obviously had a lucky strike. Well deserved. Like the the delicious food you ate...