Sunday, April 09, 2006

Mac XP: two religions are better than one

Apple has decided to offer users of its latest Intel-inside-model the ability to run Microsoft Windows OS as well as MacOs X. Using a free download called BootCamp, one can switch between these two.

Now, it is a great move of Apple. It makes transition from PC to Apple easier for some which can be translated more market share in the long run. Investors are loving it, the share of Apple jumped almost 10% the day after the announcement. However, I wonder the long term implication of it. Would it mean software developers have less motivation for producing programs that run with the MacOs?

In a way I can't see why one wants to run Windows (with all its problems) on Mac. Well.. ok, I can. Some programs or games are only available on Windows or firstly release only for Windows. But the truth is, I'd rather see MacOs running on PC! Why o why they didn't come up with that!? It would be neat. PC without all the hassel. Imagine that.


Pojok Hablay said...

love my iBook so much, walopun untuk bbrp program-ga-penting-tapi-musti-diinstal-demi-keperluan-ngajar itu tetep musti ada, jadi PC tetep musti dipake. huh

Anonymous said...

apple still rocks :D