Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mission: hot chocolate

ciobar: il gusto che scalda l'invernoAs the temperature drops and the rain starts to fall, it's time to talk about hot chocolate. Hot, creamy, delicious, sweet, dark chocolate liquid.

I love chocolate drink. Cold or hot. White or dark chocolate. With or without whipped cream. With or without marshmallows.

But it was only last Monday I was introduced to Italian hot chocolate that was so thick you have to spoon it. Reminiscent of a cup of hot chocolate custard, it was made from Cameo's Ciobar mixed with milk. And I L.O.V.E every single drop of it. (D, you ruined me for life! ;))

As I couldn't find any Italian shop selling Ciobar in NL, now I have a mission to recreate the same experience without using Ciobar. So far I found several recipes using egg yolk(s) and/or using cornstarch that I can try. This will be an interesting winter...


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Nice English. Nice chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Selamat Tahun Baru!

L. Pralangga said...

Nice to have found your blog and the nice hot chocolate.. :)

Seneng udh bisa mampir kesini, salam hangat dari Afrika Barat

Anonymous said...

Mau dong kirimin hot choco-nya :D
Gimana nih khabarnya blom ada update baru nih...

Moga2 baik dan sehat yah...

triesti said...

kabarnya sedang sakit.. sejak sebelum natal sampe hari ini. infeksi saluran napas atas setelah sebelumnya bronchitis dan sempat sembuh bbrp hari.

berhubung rasanya otak penuh mucus, rasanya lemot. doain cepet sembuh ya.. ntar ngoceh lagi;)