Sunday, April 15, 2007

On being colored and driving a nice car

I was in Amsterdam's crowded tram with my father when I listened to this Dutch guy talking to his lady companion behind us. Upon seeing this allochtoon, a Dutch word for foreigner, who happened to be a colored guy driving a nice convertible car, this Dutch guy asked how could that colored guy drives such a nice car, that he must have been doing something illegaly to be able to afford such a thing because he and his friends can't afford to own one. That it's only in the last decade that such phenomen appears in this calvinist country.

I was going to ask him to shut up, but he stopped his rant soon after I gave him a dirty look. If I were his friend, I would have talked him some senses right there and then. Oh wait, I wont be friend with someone like him.

Now, that was not the first time I heard a Dutch guy commenting a colored guy with a nice car, but it is the first time I heard it in public. I bet they won't give such comment upon seeing a white guy driving a nice car. G_d forbid, only those black/turkish/morrocan/colored guys who do illegal stuffs and drive nice cars.

Sure, there are allochtoon who are in criminal circuits, and they probably drive nice cars. Just as there are white caucasian criminals driving nice cars. But I've never once heard anyone commenting a white guy is doing some criminal activity to afford having a nice car.

From what I've seen so far, my European friends spend their money on their vacations or houses, while my non-European friends spend their money on their cars, bling-bling, or to help their family back home. Different priority in different cultural background.


Unknown said...

reminds me of 99 problems by jaz-z.

Anonymous said...

John.. it's been awhile since I listen to rap music. So, I take your word for it.

Unknown said...


that's a great tune, download it if you get half a chance, great lyrics :)

Anonymous said...

"...99 Problems but a bitch ain't one If you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me..."


Sebelon gw pulang ke Indo, gw muak sama snob white ass.
Selalu ngecilin orang asing..

Tapi begitu gue pulang ke tanah aer,
damn.. ternyata diskriminasi ras masih gue rasain.

Kalo dulu di Eropa gue dianggep MISKIN, sekarang di Ind gue selalu dianggep punya DUIT lebih.
Makanya kalo bayar KTP, ngurus SIM, pasport, ijin, tilang, dll selalu diminta bayar lebih.

Hehehe.. mata gue sipit, dikira celengan kali yah ;-)

Jadi mending mana nih, gue tinggal di eropa lagi, ato bertahan negara sendiri yg semrawut? ;-D


Anonymous said...

got 'em...

Tirta dear,
gila, apal si ye...

sama aja dimana². kemane aje? gue rasa di sini gue kena diskiminasi ras, di Ind. kena gender. ngga beda jauh.

bikin negara sendiri yuk

Anonymous said...

Hello say...

hmm.. buat negara sendiri?
not so bad idea.
kaya begini: