Monday, April 27, 2009

Casualty of Love

Last week mom bought a couple (male and female) of Betta Fishes, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, to accompany the male red tail one we already have. The male one is blue veiltail which has been develop through selective inbreeding, the female has natural coloration which is about twice as big as the male in size.

I dont know whose idea was it, but it was decided to put the new ones in the same bowl so they could procreate. Well I figured a little loving in this house wont hurt anyone.

Boy I was so wrong.

Yesterday I was passing by their bowls when I saw the male chased the female and she kept ignoring him and quickly moved to the other side of the bowl. I remember thinking, how it wasnt that much different than human.

A couple hours later I checked on them and I was shocked finding that beautiful blue fish almost belly up. His tail was damaged, his left eye almost out of its socket, some parts of his body was injured. She attacked him! By the look of his injuries, she did it repeatedly! Talk about bitchiness.

So we moved him to another bowl, and by the look of it he's recovering by day.

But since we still have another male, and our resident expert, Rudy, said that she is full of eggs, we are now putting them together. Now, this male is a bit smaller than the female, and in the first instance he didnt seem interested, or maybe he saw what happened to the other guy and got scared of her. I seriously thought that fish is gay, cause he didnt do anything. He didnt chase her, nor started making bubblenest.

But a night with this fox apparently changed him a bit. His bubblenest is massive. I am not sure if it's for mating, or for his hiding place. The last time I checked he was under it, alone. She was else where. But I am happy to report that he is in one piece.

I hope this time, there's no more casualty.

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