Thursday, November 10, 2005

An email I wouldn't want to receive... EVER!

I was browsing at when I stumbled across the most disturbing email I've ever seen:

Yes, it's a suicide note. According to the dates, it was written more than a year ago, and was delivered last summer. So it's a done deal.

I kept on wondering, was it really true, I mean did that guy really mean every words he wrote? Did he manage to end his life? How would his mom react when she got his email? G_d, I wouldn't wish my arch enemy to experience such a thing! As the admin of that website had access to his email, and if (s)he happened to read it on the day it was written, what would that person do with that information? What would you do if you were the admin?


Anonymous said...

OH SHIT!!!! it ain't no joke!!!

the thing is... even if the admin wanna report it to the police, HOW???

Fortuna said...

spooky beneerr....
btw, shoutbox gue udah beres... kamu punya kok belom juga sih? Kenapa yah? I've been shouting 'till my throat gone dry.. Hehehe!

Fortuna said...

terpaksa shout disini deh.. bener2 kartu mati tuuh! Btw, iya namanya Lexi.. masih inget aja loe??? Gue sih nggak kenal.. Cuma tau doang! Hehehe!