Weird Conversation #3
It's a typical Dutch winter evening: cold, dark, windy. Inside of a new tram is a bit crowded at the back end. After a while they get two chairs facing to the back of the tram and the girl starts reading her book, the guy is watching reflections on the tram door.
Still reading the book, the girl smiles and points out the title at the top of the page 214: The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The guy continues observing the reflections. As soon as she finishes the chapter she was reading, she closes the book and put it inside her bag.GUY
What are you reading? Potter?
She nodsGUY
You know a lot about health, right?
Uh huh.
The girl glances to the doorGUY
You see that dog's reflection on the door
The girl thinks of an answerGUY
Do you know why people cut their dog's tail?
Well, I'm not so sure. But some people cut their dogs' tails and
earlobes to beautify their dogs. That's why animal rights people protested about it.
Yeah, I guess you are right. But how come people didn't protect the Jew?
The girl thinks of the holocaust and wishing that she doesn’t have to start discussion about it at that moment. Curious.
The girl starts to laugh. The tram stops and they go out of the tram.GIRL
What do you mean?
Well, they circumcised the Jew
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