Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello Old Friend.. Not Happy to See You

Since January 2nd, an old friend has been my daily companion. Sure he's not all present, but I am still not happy about it. I thought I put him behind with so much progress in the last two month or so.

Alas, he greeted me again. Or maybe he never leaves, just lay low waiting for his turn to strike back. I know I am able to handle him again. Just like before.
One thing tho, I wont do any invasive procedures like this girl. Been there, done that.

If you accept the pain, it wont hurt you
Hugh Macleod


colson said...

Very sad to read this. I hope it will be over soon. Just now I can't but wish you a lot of strenth and 'courage ende despereert niet". By the content of your post I understand the amount of courage is huge fortunately.

From what I read about this still pretty enigmatic disease, there are some similarities with rheumatic pains - though this devastating pain is not in the joints. For all the differences I therefore can to some extent imagine what you are going through I think, since we have someone close to us frequently suffering from arthritis.

triesti said...

thank you for your kind words. I heard if I am not careful, rheuma is looming since my joints are too flexible. I just take it one at the time :)