Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ik mis Holland

Saw pictures of white lowland.
Started listening to Dutch songs again.
Reading Dutch book (!)

man.. ik ben veranderd..


colson said...

Mis je Nederland? Meaning you are elsewhere in the world?

Well, it's been four years since we had a similar amount of snow actually. The scenery here at the heuvelrug in the province of Utrecht, is really, really beautifull indeed. Great pictures. And, most important: my little granddaughter loves it.

I guess we've got 25cm of snow. It's funny though that what fifty or sixty years ago caused little or no trouble, now almost brought the country to a standstill.

(Btw: if you don't mind me asking: which book, what author?)

triesti said...

yupe.. I am elsewhere:)

I saw pic in front of my old place, I think the last time I saw that much snow was the day of my surgery back in 2001!! Even four years ago we didnt have that much snow at my place.

I am reading an old book by steven pont: Alle liefde is economie. Was thinking about rereading Het Lelietheater by Lulu Wang, but that book is soooooo depressing. I didnt managed to finish it the last time I tried reading it. Have you read it?

colson said...

Actually, no I didn't. To me the book-of-the-year isn't Dutch and even isn't a novel: Arundhati Roy's "Listening to Grass-hoppers".

Tommy Wieringa's book "Joe Speedboot" (from 2005) is my Dutch favorite of this century up till now, by the way.

triesti said...

oh I enjoyed Arundhati Roy's other book The God of small Things.

so far, I also enjoy Adriaan van Dis