Friday, December 11, 2009

The Mongolian Cafe

I was talking about Mongolian Spot with T, whose kid has the mozaic trisomi 22 . The Mongolian spot reminds me of this weird conversation I had with this bunch of guys back in NL. We were trying to meet up later on that week and trying to figure out the place to be. So, this guy suggested to meet up in this Mongolian Cafe in the city center. In my years of living in that city, I had never heard of Mongolian related establishment. I asked him where it was.

Ok, I know women got bad rap about not being able to read the map, but these guys, despite all doing their PhDs, were not even be able to describe me how to get there, let alone giving me the name of the street. In the end, we settled on meeting near the biggest bookstore.

That night, they took me to this Dutch Cafe, with a nice art deco stained glass windows, the one I used to hang out during my first year! There was nothing Mongolian about that place. None at all.

Their explanation was: One of the waitresses told them that she had Mongolian spot when she was a baby, which means she has Asian (Mongolian) ancestor in her family tree. Hence the Mongolian Cafe.

With that logic... no wonder I dont understand men


colson said...

Great story. Good stuff. Yet it calls for a justification of the male cause

Of course men are illogical. They usually have been raised and trained by women. They usually have to live with women. So it is just common sense for them ( for us)to accomodate.

And sometimes men trancend logic by a sense of absurdity. Which is pretty funny: calling a pub a Mogolian Cafe because a waitress once told she had a birthmark.. Hilarious.

triesti said...

"Yet it calls for a justification of the male cause" hahahahahahahahaha...

Unknown said...

am smiling at colson's comment also : ))