Monday, October 03, 2011

Father Figures

Once, I watched this bloke, he reminded me so much as my dad. I ended the relationship.
Once, this bloke said that he felt that in our previous lives he was my dad. He ended the relationship.

This weekend I'm going to see a guy who sees me as his daughter - and I see him as my (second) father, who some people thought as my own father. I cherish our relationship. Just like I cherished the relationship with my own father.


colson said...

Judging 100% personally I think very few relationships are that precious and rewarding as father - daughter relationships. It doesn't necessarily depend on a biological link: my daughters-in-law are included.

Hope the one you cherish will last a lifetime.

Unknown said...

I hope that you will really meet the Mr Nice Guy very soon.

triesti said...

@colson, Harry, thanks guys...

@harry, are you ok now? I hope you were not hospitalized