Saturday, October 01, 2011

Entering Another Era

It used to be me going to my cousin's wedding,
Then, it was me going to my parents' friend's children's wedding,
Later on, it was me going to my friend's wedding,
Today, it was me going to my friend's children's wedding.


colson said...

If someone in the first ten years of adulthood is in the situation you describe, she ( or he, for that matter) either has seniors among her (his) friends or middle-aged friends who force child-marriages on their children ;D.

By the way: don't you agree there is a lot of marrying going on. Apparently many people think weddings are awesome and marriage is a goal in life. Yet I think it is a very overrated institution. :).

Una said...

Hehehe waktu berlalu dengan cepat ya~

triesti said...

@colson, it's funny that after around 50 years of marriage you think it's a very overrated institution. But yeah, Indonesians are into getting married young.
plus, I do have seniors amongst my friends.

@una indeed..

colson said...

@ triesti: That much experience equals a master degree on the subject, don't you agree ? :)

triesti said...

@colson, more like a postdoc :)