Serahkan pada Ahlinya..
And you've been Foked! [We have a new swearing word: FOKE.]
things I picked from here, there, everywhere
And you've been Foked! [We have a new swearing word: FOKE.]
I just got out of the building when the first rain drops fell. Armed with my umbrella, I scurried to across the street and hailed a cab. I wanted a Transcab, but I got Express taxi instead. So, there's no tv along the way. It was stormy, I was glad I took the cab instead of the busway.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Labels: Life
Back in NL I used to mixed languages while talking to my Indonesian friends: English, Dutch and Bahasa Indonesia. As I moved back to Indonesia, I consciously curb that habit, and do my best in speaking in 1 language in a full sentence. In the beginning sometimes it came out hilarious for Indonesian ears, because I just did foreignization of words that I forgot. Soon, I get the hang of it. In fact, one day one of my bosses said that there was this new gal who had difficulty speaking Bahasa Indonesia and spoke in British English. Being curious, he asked if she just returned from abroad, guess what? She never left the country! When he told me the story he commented how judging from my long stay abroad, it should've been me who had problem with Bahasa Indonesia and not that gal. However, I've noticed more and more young Indonesians have problem speaking Bahasa Indonesia. Some of my nieces and nephews are bilingual, they are mostly more fluent in English than in Bahasa Indonesia. It wasnt such a problem if they live abroad, but some live in Indonesia. Just like the children in the New York Times article.
Posted by
4:15 PM
I found this link of old pics. Cute pictures of tiny superheroes. Growing up I dont think I had the superhero thing going, plus we dont have Halloween, we only dress up for Kartini day and Independence day but it also means wearing traditional attires or some old pejoeang uniform.
Posted by
3:25 PM
Labels: Media
A bizarre story. I guess it didnt take as long as that movie about snake in the plane.
Posted by
5:59 AM
Labels: Media
"Hahaha, I didnt get the Oz thing, did you?" that text woke me up this morning. I turned on the Net, logged in to my email account and saw an email subject started with "IMPORTANT". In the third paragraph, I read "I regret to...", not bother reading the whole thing, I texted back: "Neither did I hahahaha". Ms. T. urged me last month to apply for this course in Politics, which I wasnt sure about because had I gotten the place, I would have missed my last class and I have an exam due the day upon arriving back in Jakarta. She said I got nothing to lose, so why not applying. True. So I did.
Posted by
2:09 PM
I've been working on something I really care and love. So far, it seems every thing is going on pretty well, my proposal was accepted with some fantastic options. I am waiting for it to materialize, which starts around the end of 2011-Q1. I wish to g_d that nothing will jeopardized this project, because the best part about this project is it'll change some people's lives.
Posted by
3:45 PM
A taxi driver told me his experience in Europe followed by trying to introduce me to his Italian friend. He then promised me he's praying that I'll ended up with a European, so I can 'improve my offsprings" and have a romantic husband, whatever that means.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Labels: Life
The absurdity of the fanatical moslem in Indonesia is beyond me. I've noticed it years ago that more and more Indonesian moslem who view themselves as Moslem first, Indonesian (or whatever tribe they are part of) second. What ever seemingly Islamic or Arabic is deemed great. Abaya is more beautiful than kebaya, Kebob and dates are better than Kolak and Durian, Arabic language is the language of heaven because the Koran is in Arabic, and the list goes and on and on. Some women even support the Taliban! You get the idea.
Posted by
5:54 AM
I've never believe 13 is an unlucky number. That being said, yesterday was not exactly a lucky day. I woke up with my Internet down while I had to send out assignment before 9 AM. My first "solo" meeting got last minute rescheduling, later on I deleted his number by accident. I had trouble printing all day, for some reason the printer refused cooperate each time I needed to print but not with the others, the same goes with printing at the digital printing shop. I tried calling my mom with no luck, by the time she called me up I was already home and she was having dinner in Plaza Senayan which was not that far from my office. After waiting for ages my Busway had no Airco. Since my internet was still down when I got home, I lost a side-job offering. When the technician came around, his verdict was modem failure. I looked for my old modem, and I found out someone nicked it along with my external hard drive, pen tablet, and dial-up modem (I put them all in one box).
Posted by
2:59 AM
That's it. It's confirmed.
I screwed up.
Big time.
I blame myself for everything.
So sorry.
So very sorry.
Posted by
9:02 PM
Labels: Life
SBY cancelled his trip due to an interlocutary process, kort geding, in Dutch court. Last Thursay he even cited saying that the Dutch court handled the case unethically in setting a hearing for the day after it was filed.
In a Kort geding, it is very normal to have a hearing the day after it was filed, because as the name suggested, it's a speedy court process, to settle urgent matters, such as to end a strike or to have decision regarding patient's medical needs. As it happens, it can take place even on Sunday when needed, and it can also take place outside the court house. Most of the time the judge can immediately give his ruling.
Indonesian Law is based on Dutch Law, but we dont have a similar procedure as a kort geding. That's I think why SBY was missing the point. He and his crew saw it as a normal process such as the one in Indonesia. They are too preoccupied with their Indonesian way of thinking and dealing, and they oversight that it was about Dutch Law, which had similar background but have been evolving and maturing more than Indonesian Law.
Seriously, SBY needs to surround himself with people who are knowledgeable, not just yes-men or some parties members of the coalition. He needed to have at least someone who know how to use wikipedia, because you can read at wiki what kind of animal kort geding is.
Posted by
3:44 AM
I told you before that I've been bitchy lately. Last night my 'victim' was the cab driver. I dont remember how it started, but he started to invoke "Dutch legacy" in what ever degradation Indonesia is suffering at the moment. It's my peeve that Indonesian blame the Dutch for what ever going wrong in this place. I started to lecture him for a good 15 minutes about how such thinking is the mind of a still colonized person, if not nation. If we believe that we are free since 1945, start acting like a free person, improve what ever needed and move on!
Posted by
3:20 AM
Labels: Opinion
I was at this conference in the last two days which had both foreign and local participants. Normally in NL I was considered as short being less than 1.70m, by Indonesian standard I am all right. However, during group photo, I stood behind because I was "tall". There were some Europeans ladies, but most of them were "Indonesian size".
During dinner last night it was obvious the separation of foreigners and locals. One table sat 80% foreigners, on the other sat 80% locals. Since I was there to get more Indonesian contacts I sat in the predominantly local table, next to a German lady and a Bulgarian guy. I knew most of Indonesian there were trying to get more contact with the foreigners, so I found it weird that they didnt use the dinner to network with them. Their lost, my gain, I'd say.
Oh, another thing: The waiters only offered wine to the foreigners. The German lady said,"they thought you dont drink, so they dont offer you any as to not offend you." Perhaps.
Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: Life
So, Indonesian President's trip to the Netherlands has been cancelled due to a law suit against him brought by RMS in The Netherlands. RMS asked the Dutch Government to arrest SBY for violations of human rights. Despite the reassurance from the Dutch government that SBY has Immunity during his visit, the president decided last minute to cancel his trip, citing that such law suit is an insult to Indonesia's dignity.
The next thing I knew, RMS's president declared that RMS won and they will sue the President every where he's going. I am very concern about this. This incident set a precedent for other separatist movements all over the world to follow suit. If SBY keeps doing this, he wont be able to visit any foreign countries. I am also concern that his gesture could be interpreted as him admitting that he did something wrong and he's afraid of getting arrested. By cancelling his trip, SBY gave RMS more power then they ever had against Indonesian government.
On the other hand, I understood that Indonesian government is upset someone in The Hague didnt lobby RMS enough to not filing the suit prior to SBY visit. For the Dutch the RMS is an insignificant matter, but it is a huge deal for Indonesia. I guess it's an oversight during the months of preparation for this visit.
Just now on the telly, Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Joko Suyanto said that the President wished that the trial process to run its course, so that there would be a clear court decision before he travels to the Netherlands. Apparently Indonesian government found it would've been a bad decision for the president to be in the Netherlands while the Dutch court is settling the law suit, especially if the court decision is not in favor of the President. Mr. Suyanto also mentioned that the government wants for the presidential visit to be conducive for the both countries. The law suit is deemed not conducive.
I guess the bottom line is they wanted to avoid bad PR, instead they created a worse one.
Seriously, for someone who is into image creation SBY has been making a lot of mistakes lately. I wonder who have been advising him.
Posted by
1:29 PM
I know, I have to go back to work, but I have to share this story about Psychology, Virtual Money and Curbing Inflation.
It reminds me one of my prof did a study about media and recession. The more media talks about recession, the longer the recession lasts.
Posted by
2:25 PM
I've been pretty busy lately, although you might think otherwise judging by the number of my posts lately. I handled two, three things at the same time, running from one part of the city to the other. The bad thing about it is I dont have enough sleep, because of that my brain is pretty scattered and I can be really bitchy, or at least I would give you my nasty stare. Trust me, you dont want to be in the receiving end.
Being a scatter brain, I had a laugh this morning.
Two weeks ago one of my friend invited me to his wedding via Facebook. It's in Pamulang which I dont even know where it is other than somewhere far, far, away in the south. I emailed him and told him I couldnt make it because I have class on Saturday. His reply was: It's on Sunday.
Last Sunday, mom took the car to visit her ailing sister. I thought I had to take a cab all the way to Pamulang, but it started to rain. No, it was more like a huge storm. So I decided to stay at home and work. I was going to text him, but I thought with the wedding and honeymoon, I'd text him next week.
Imagine my surprise when I saw his Facebook status: D day-5. He wrote something about being excited to start a life together with his other half in 5 days. What? Didnt he get married two days ago? So I checked his invitation, and yes, the wedding is on next Sunday, not two days ago. I emailed him, and he was laughing.
Good thing this kind of thing so far didnt affect my job. Fingers crossed it wont.
Ok, I'm back to work
Posted by
1:42 PM
Labels: Life
Each time I hear some politician talked about 'our cultural values', I cringe. It seems with globalization, politicians all over the world are playing with the xenophobia in the society. In the West it's against Islam, in Indonesia it's against Western. I'm tired of it. The so-called 'our culture' in Indonesia is a mixed of different cultures, which also come with different values. The notion of our cultural values are better than those of the West, is rubbish. Just as with every things, there are positive and negative. Not every single things Indonesian is good, just as not every single things Western is good.
How about learn the good thing from each other,and leave (what you think as) the bad behind.
Posted by
7:31 AM
Labels: Opinion
I know Hong from an ex, they were colleagues. We skype every now and then, he asked me about where to get things, for advice about health and Dutch thingy, I asked him about whatever I thought he might knew. In real life he's more quiet than online.
He just asked me what vitamin G was, because I wrote something about having some vitamin G. I told him it was Guinness. He replied,"grape?"
I found out that Indonesian is Guinness 6th biggest market in the world, which was rather surprising. I also found out according to this research, it has antioxidant and low dose of aspirin. I was surprised to read that in UK there was time when patients and blood donors were given Guinness as it was believed it was high on iron.
Posted by
3:12 PM