Thursday, May 12, 2011

Effendi oh Ependi

I had to ask someone by phone about the correct spelling of this nob's name to whom I need to send a letter. Now, at my office almost everyone has connection with Bandung (except for yours truly) and we have this running joke about people, by people I mean Sundanese, who has trouble using F, P and V. They keep jumble it up like Pesva for Vespa.

Me: Would you mind telling me his full name, sir?
Guy: Bla bla Ependi bla
Me: So it would be Bla bla Effendi... do you spell it with P or with F?
Guy: Ependi
Me: With double F or P?
Guy: Just the normal one (I was almost laughing at this point)
Me: OK, so Bla bla Effendi bla. thank you, sir. I'll send the letter right away.

I googled the name: Bla bla EFFEDI bla


Harry Nizam said...

Yeah, some Sundanese have difficulties in pronouncing
the letter "f".

colson said...

Is het net zoiets als menig Nederlands sprekende Chinees die met de letter "R" worstelt en bijvoorbeeld "lekkele lijst" in plaats van "lekkere rijst" zegt?

(Of ik zelf die ooit - toen ik nog even die taal dacht te gaan leren- uren heeft geprobeerd de Zweedse "sj" klank goed uit de mond te krijgen - tevergeefs).

triesti said...

@harry, I didnt remove your comment, Blogger did. but yeah, sundanese has trouble with their F.

@colson Nou, niet echt. Chinees worstelt altijd met 'R'. Sundanees gebruikt P en F verkeerd, net als PESVA ipv VESPA.