My Current Mantra
Anicca anicca anicca
*Pali for impermanence
things I picked from here, there, everywhere
Anicca anicca anicca
*Pali for impermanence
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: Lingo
One rainy night toward the end of October I slipped when I tried getting into the bus. It started to swell pretty quickly, as soon as I arrived home I put on Thrombopop (a salve against swelling) and param kocok (traditional concoction for bruising) and wrapped it tightly.
The next day I went to the hospital, got an xray, and yes, another hairline fracture. This time on my left cuboid bone. The doctor said I didnt need any cast, just properly wrapped it and no high heels.
Two days later I was at the airport, checking in. I asked the person in charged if I was allowed to board along with family with kids. She asked why, and I told the story. 'ok, you'll be in a wheelchair' she said.
'My gosh, I dont need a wheelchair, I can walk slowly and it is still 3 hours prior to departure' I rejected her command. But she wont take no, so I had to be wheeled in after checking in.
I felt embarrassed, yet grateful. I was healthy enough bar that one bone, people didnt see that I had swollen foot. And I'd been walking around in the last two days, for crying out loud.
As we transited, I was glad she put me in a wheelchair, it was quite a walk, up and down 2 flight of stairs. It was quite funny when we were about to board, there were 12 (yes, twelve) people in a wheelchair! Each has their own person who pushed it. It felt like a race. I was probably the youngest.
When we landed in SFO, they didnt have any wheelchair for me. I was about to walk, when they said I should get one. So, I did, except this time there were only 3 people pushing all the wheelchairs! Poor them. They had to do a relay pushing us. And, they also helped us getting our luggage. The good thing about being in a wheelchair was we didnt have to wait for long for immigration.
On my way back I didnt ask for a wheelchair. My foot was more stable and I had been walking (slowly) every where for a week anyway. Granted travelling with broken bone disturbed some of my plans and I have to walk slowly and rest often. But it was a fab trip none the less.
Posted by
7:14 AM
Posted by
7:35 AM
I dont know much about American politics. I just know that when a President from the Democratic party is in power, the Republican do their best to make his/her life misserable. Take Clinton and his Monica affair. So, he had an affair and lied about it. It's a big deal for Hillary but I think not enough for a country to impeach him. Yet, when Bush junior lied about weapon of mass destruction and spending gawd knows how much on the stupid illegal war and killing thousands of people from several countries, no one even bother to impeach him.
Now, the government of USA shuts down.
It hasn't affect me directly until today. To be fair, had not been for the shut down, Indonesian Rupiah might've dropped even further in the past wo weeks. It helps Indonesian economy slightly. That being said, I dont know how things are after tomorrow if there's no agreement on the debt ceiling and the USA is defaulting. By then it's not only an American problem but a problem of the whole world in this connected economy.
While I try to follow the shut down's timeline, I cant help but wonder about House speaker J.A. Boehner stubborness on this matter. Apparently there are 20 Republican House members who are willing to vote for the budget to end the shut down but was not allowed by Boehner.
While he was making his point about Obama care, he takes the whole country and might also take the whole world hostage. How bad is spending money on health care for all of your citizen compares to spending money on financing wars?
Posted by
8:48 AM
Posted by
11:50 AM
Posted by
6:24 PM
Labels: Life
I love the geekiness of this video. the sound is not bad either.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: Media
I go to the office wearing a t-shirt most days. When I arrive, I change to 'office wear', whatever that is.
Except for today. I arrived straight to the empty office, bar the office boy. So, I was working in my tees. Jakartan offices are notoriously cold. After awhile, I thought I was going to put on my 'office blouse' on top of my tee as I started to get cold.
Holes and another holes.
That's what I saw on both upper arms of my blouse. Huge gapping holes. Didn't see them this morning when I put it in my bag. There goes my plan swinging by a government office this afternoon.
oh well..
Posted by
8:05 AM
Labels: Life
When it comes to our body, what is stated on our birth certificate could means nothing much. You were born in such and such day, but your body could be older or younger than that number.
Back in NL my Chinese doctor jokingly told me that my face looked 25, while my body was 50. There's some truth in what she said, as I was coming to her office on weekly basis (sometimes twice a week) for acupuncture and tui na massage to heal some nerves damage & fibromyalgia which took toll on my body.
That being said, my ears are younger than I am, as I could still hear some high pitch sound which normally someone my age won't be able to hear, such as 17,000Hz. I even took the medical hearing test to prove it.
Below is a free simple test to check your hearing, all you need is to set it to 1080p and use a headset in a quiet room on a normal sound setting.
Judging from the comments, there are plenty youngsters who are not able to hear according their age level. I assume they are using a lot of headset to hear very loud music on daily basis which ruins their hair cells. I hope they change their habit and preserve their hair cells longer.
Posted by
6:02 PM
I always turn my geotagging off on my mobile device. And I'm glad I do that after watching this warning on the web:
Ok, it's an old video, but most people never heard of it. How to disable the geotagging? You can see it here.
Posted by
2:35 PM
Posted by
7:03 PM
Labels: Media
Posted by
6:47 PM
I had a meeting at one of ministerial buildings this morning and had my lunch in their canteen. Not long came two ladies from a neighbouring office and shared my table.
Posted by
9:04 PM
I learnt how my maternal grandmother taught her kids about sex today. I was laughing until I cried of all the stories my aunts (who are all older than 70 year old) told me. Mind you the first 8 (eight!) out of 10 kids in the family are female, so they had never seen penis for years.
Aunt #1:
When she was about 12 year old her friend told her that baby came out of the body via vagina.
Aunt: No, it's from the belly button
Friend: No, silly girl, it's from down there
A: No, that is for comes out from the belly button, my mother told me so, she wouldn't lie
Aunt #1 said that her mother said that to have a baby you wrap a carrot with gauze and put it on your belly, then you cover them in some sort corset for a while until it disappeared in the belly.
She was already in the last year of high school at the time this story took place at a dance event.
When this guy she was dancing with began to pant, this conversation took place:
Aunt: Are you tired? Because we could stop now.
Boy: Np, no,, not tired
A: Then why are you panting?
Dancing again
A: Hey, what is that? Do you have a battery in your pocket?
B: ....
Aunt #2:
Staying over at her aunt's who had several sons. One day the sons were taking a bath (mandi) and somehow she saw penis for the first time
A: Ibu (mother), ibu... what's wrong with him... he has a worm!
Years later after she was kissed she said she thought she's not virgin anymore and she washed it 3 days in a row. This is because her mother said that you could get pregnant from a kiss (mom also had been taught this story)
Gosh, so glad my dad taught me well :)
Posted by
4:20 AM
Last night it all became real, my internist said that I have Colitis, an inflammation of the colon. Great. At least now we have a name for it so people can't say that I'm acting up. I've been suffering from cramps every now and then since the beginning of last week. My stomach doesn't feel right. I lost my appetite, I've been shunning my veggies.
I think my body told me what I need, if I listen to it closely. About two weeks ago, I was looking for vitamin B12, but my pharmacy didn't have any stock, so I settled with some vitamin B for kids. I was also looking for some iron supplement.
On Saturday when we were at the mall near our place I was thinking if I need to get Enzyplex for my stomach. I was also thinking about asking my internist some for Librax, which needs a prescription because Chlordiazepoxide can be addictive. Guess what internist gave me? Librax and Enzyplex along with Mucosta because I'm alergic to all sulfa-medication, which actually works for colitis.
So, now I'm faced to even more limited dietary in take. I have to avoid all the things that I love such as chocolate, dairy products, brocolli, mushroom, raisin, and god knows what else. The safest bet is eating Japanese food, which is not very budget friendly.
It's a wake up call to listen more to my body.
Who would have guess, high fiber is not good for your body?
Posted by
9:08 AM
Labels: Health
The other Sunday my family gathered at one of my aunts' home for her birthday lunch. This conversation was between two uncles, a bio-ethicist doctor and a dentist, and me in Bahasa Indonesia, except for the figuurzaag which is a jigsaw.
Bio-ethicist (B): do you know where to get a figuurzaag?
me: yupe, ace hardware
Dentist (D): yes, or Depo Bangunan (home depo-red)
B: do you know what a figuurzaag is?
me: it's the circle one, no?
B: no, it's the one you pull and push *did the movement*
me: oh, I bought that one for mom in NL
D: what do you need it for?
B: Oh, we have this 3 year old cadaver at the faculty and it's already rock solid. So, I want to cut it into pieces for class.
D: Topographical anatomy?
B: yes
me: why dont you use figuurzaagmachine?
B: the cadaver wont be fit on it
m: yes it will, I think Von Hagen use it with his plastination
B: I need to ask the anatomy guy how to cut it cleanly.
D: yes, ask the guy, he knows which saw you'll need.
The next thing I knew, while I was trying to find one on the the internet Uncle B went to Ace Hardware to look for it with a cousin of mine.
Just another family gathering, huh?
Posted by
6:31 PM
Labels: Life
Posted by
6:14 PM