Sunday, February 06, 2011

Cough Meds

I've been having dry cough since I traveled with clients last month. I took cough meds since Thursday resulting I slept all day, and when I didnt take it, I couldnt sleep at all. Bad move.

One of my BFFs called this morning asking about yesterday's performance I was involved & my plan to visit a masseuse. Hearing that I'm still coughing she told me to get 'obat batuk ibu dan anak', mother and child cough medicine. I told her that I dont know what it was and I need to get some Nin Jiom chinese cough meds. She laughed, because we were talking about the same thing, and the fact that she's chinese & knows a bit of Mandarin calling it with its Indonesian name while I who dont speak any Mandarin calling it in its chinese name.


colson said...

An example of globalization? Interesting. Our cultural and linguistic boundaries are getting fuzzy...

But the main thing is : is the medicine helping to get rid of your bad cough. Does it, did it??

triesti said...

well not really, I just called my ENT doc/aunt about it and was told it's an allergic reaction. So i have to take antihistamine. the suspected culprit: the pollen from mango flower that's blooming in the back garden. oh well..

Unknown said...

Hi Triesti,

One traditional medicine for coughing that I learned my grandma is Kecap + squeezed lime.

But nowadays I only take OBH.

triesti said...

@harry, I took that first, then OBH, now CTM before sleeping. still coughing but less then last week.