Friday, June 03, 2011


I feel like a Catholic priest lately. Seems like everyone is in the mood of confessing to me about huge things in their life.
I wonder how long this period will go on. Dont get me wrong, I'm flattered that they trusted me. It's just sometimes what ever they told me is too devastating that I had no idea how to respond to that news. I dont want to mess up their hope, yet I cant give them hope. Does it make sense? One thing, each of them are brave.

PS: Is this how the universe prepare me for the next challenge?


colson said...

Probably it is proof you have a combination of rare qualities: empathy and a huge ability to listen. That's what people coping with existential questions usually badly need.

triesti said...

I dont know, I was pretty detached emotionally and logic took over. Although I wonder if I should've put more emotion into it.

Unknown said...

Hmmm .....
Next time I have a problem I can't solve, i'll go to you.

triesti said...

@harry provided you supply the liquid & chocolate-y things